Our Team
Lisa Sarabi
Lisa Sarabi
The founder and general manager and has general supervision, direction and control of the nonprofit, activities, and officers. Lisa is leading, managing, and developing the organization’s employees, volunteers, and organizational culture. Other responsibilities include developing, implementing, monitoring, and assessing the organization’s programs (including their impact), financial management practices (including budgeting), and compliant fundraising practices, developing, informing, and supporting the board and the board committees to carry out their governance functions, developing and maintaining beneficial relationships with donors, funders, supporters, collaborators, allies, vendors, and other stakeholders, and ensuring legal compliance (including all required filings) and sound risk management practices.
Malika Sarabi
Vice President
Malika Sarabi
Vice President
Malika serves as a key leadership team member and an active participant in making strategic decisions. Malika is responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive development strategy to include corporate, foundation, government grants, etc. Other responsibilities include development and execution of all proposals; write and archive all proposals with a long-term relationship-management approach, manage employees and the day-to-day activities of the organization. This includes developing responsibilities for the staff, hiring employees, developing and mentoring staff, as well as ensuring the organization accomplishes tasks to meet its overall goals.
Meelad Samadi
Program Coordinator
Meelad Samadi
Program Coordinator
Meelad provides leadership and management to projects staff and overall project implementation to ensure our various projects close out on time and on budget. Meelad develops and implements project employees work plans, and oversees implementation of project activities and ensure that project targets and grant objectives are met within the close out time-frame.
Nazar Mohammad Mohammadi
Project Manager
Nazar Mohammad Mohammadi
Project Manager
Tamim has been a great asset to our team. He plans and develops project ideas, monitors project progress and set deadlines, manages project budget, ensures stakeholder satisfaction, solve issues that arise, evaluates project performance, among other duties.
Ameena Rehmani
Finance Director
Ameena Rehmani
Finance Director
Ameena is our lead on all financial management, reporting, and planning across our various projects. Ameena monitors and coordinates compliance with financial policies, procedures, and practices in all projects, and prepares forecasts and comprehensive budgets.